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EB1A Eligibility

Published Jan 20,2017 By Alpa

Having experience in Computer Science for the past 13 years as Assistant Professor, IT Engineer, Software Engineer and Software Programmer.

I am presently in New York, I would be grateful if you could help me in getting more information on EB1A self petition Green Card processing.

I look forward to hearing from you. If you need any further information, you may contact me at

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Alpa Reshamwala


Google Scholar:


Posted in Suitable Category NIW/EB1A
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Tigran Kalaydzhyan
Tigran Kalaydzhyan
7 years ago

Hi Alpa,

Since I am coming from a different field, it is difficult for me to judge how many of the EB1A criteria you may satisfy based on the information from the google scholar and LinkedIn. For instance, I do not know the impact factors of the journals, where you published the papers and if those impact factors are high in the field. Another thing is citations – is that number high or low for your field? What is really good is that you are the first author in almost all of your papers. I think the best thing to start with would be to have a look at the two following links: link1 link2
The first one describes the basic idea and the criteria for EB1A. The second one is a template for a USCIS officer to issue a request for evidence, which you can use an explanation of what constitutes the actual evidence for each criterion. If you feel you are eligible for EB1A, then you can proceed and get one of our DIY packets by the link, where you can find detailed manuals and examples for a strong petition.

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