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Would I be able to apply in the NIW category?

Published Jun 3,2016 By GCforPhD


My best compliments to you.
I am writing this email for the NIW evaluation process.
Would you be kind enough to evaluate my case whether I am able for NIW? So that I can start my case with you.
I have attached my CV.


 We looked at your resume and it looks quite good. You might be able to apply  in the EB 1a or the NiW categories. generally the eb1a category is harder in comparison to the NIW category. We suggest you look at the two categories and the requirements on our website and decide which is more appropriate for you. if you are born in the mainland China or in India then we would suggest eb1 a because the NIW has along wait time. However if you are not one from one of these two countries we suggest you apply in the NIW or eb 1a categies depending on which one you think your qualifications satisfy best. You can use our self petition packets in order to decide the category and to prepare your petition. You are overall petition success will also depend upon the reference letters you obtain from expert in your field. You would need reference letters from experts whom you have collaborated with, and also from people who are independent and not your collaborators.
If you have further questions please feel free to email us.
Posted in niw

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